
Competition - Nursery & Primary School

The building is created of a pure and simple structure, laid lengthways on the longer side of the plot and with two floors. The entrance hall is the heart of the project, where the whole school's everyday activities are concentrated. Its strategic position on the floor allows the primary school activities to be separated functionally from those of the infant school and connects both with the administration and the dining room.

The image divested of formal resources, reflects through its volumetric composition multiple meanings that range from aesthetics to functionality. 

The volumetric work, of a clearly architectonic structure, incorporates both continuity and spatial limits when necessary. It also includes partly covered areas as intermediate places between outside and inside; of great importance in our opinion for the smooth running of the building.

The hall also vertically connects both floors of the building by means of two staircases of great sculptural/functional power which cut across the two floor high space and which divide the special classroom area from that of the final year of primary school. 

La Tenería, Pinto, Madrid


2 storeys


Contact Info
Paseo de la Castellana 151
28046 Madrid, Spain

phone: +34 915 718 330


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